Why More People Now Support Legalization of Marijuana Use
A growing number of people are now becoming more aware of the medical benefits of cannabinoids. The cannabis plant, where CBD oil comes from, has been found to have several benefits to a person’s body. Aside from reducing stress, it is also found to be useful in treating insomnia.

Aside from serving medicinal and recreational purposes, CBD has also found its way to a few dog treats. CBD dog treats are now available in various markets around the country. But do you know who are actually using the most CBD products?
Who uses the most CBD products?
Parents with children under 18, millennials, and urbanites are more likely to use CBD products at least once every month. Even those that earn more than $100,000 are likely to use the product, too. Even those who are not using any CBD product yet may get involved in the market soon. Experts say that there are those who show interested in using a different kind of CBD product, such as a bath product or a CBD-infused lotion.
A growing number of Americans are now supporting the legalization of medical marijuana use. Meanwhile, half of the population say that recreational marijuana should be legal, too. Even those who have never used it before are likely to support the legalization of both recreational and medical use.
Nowadays, marijuana is legal for recreational purposes in at least 10 states and subject for medical use in at least 33 states. It seems that the perception of cannabis has changed for the past couple of years, as more people discover its benefits.
The dramatic turnaround in people’s opinion
The dramatic change in people’s perception is the reason most people expect growing support of its legalization. That is because legalizing it helps to end the potential consequences of prohibiting it. Most people who support the legalization say that it will help reduce the black market meant to use cannabis for illegal purposes.
However, those who oppose it fears that making it legal can be a considerable risk for using the drug irresponsibly. Experts have also pointed out that it may lead to what happened to the alcohol and tobacco industries. Companies have created a new kind of addiction among their consumers. The latest poll shows that the supporters of legalization are now outnumbering those who oppose it.
The benefits of marijuana
Medical use of marijuana can help fight people’s drug dependency and alcoholism. It also helps ease the symptoms of specific mental illnesses. These can be depression, social anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder. Moreover, research studies show that it can alleviate nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy among cancer patients, as well as treat symptoms of epilepsy.
Although it has health risks, regulating the use of marijuana has its benefits. That is why it is best to buy your supplies from a trusted dispensary in Tulsa to get affordable yet quality medical marijuana. Choose a company that focuses on patient care and safety to ensure the quality of the products.