Violets are blue

Violets are blue

When I pressed the Publish button on Roses are red, it capstoned a year of semantics for me which spilled over into this year.

In addition to my annual list of conferences in Australia for digital educators, I applied my cognitive surplus to another nine posts that dive deeper into the murky waters of meaning.

Purple petals scattered on the pages of an open book.

  • In Double defence I pondered the defensive value of so-called “skills of the future”, while in Skills of the present I recognised their value for offense.
  • In Great and small I reshaped our pedagogical terminology.
  • In Higher Assessment I proposed a new role for universities.
  • In Space invaders I untangled terms relating to the spacing effect, while in Time pilot I extended the coverage to interleaving.
  • In Gold vibes only I borrowed a mantra coined by the great Patty Mills and applied it to organisational culture.
  • In The apex of innovation I isolated a variable that’s critical to continuous improvement.
  • In The $100 hypothetical I compared can’t with won’t.

Bunch of pansies.

I’m keen to hear your views among mine, so feel free to add a comment to each of the conversations.

If you already have, I salute you!

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