TETFund appoints Prof Anibeze Coordinating Editor for anatomy book

In its effort to address the paucity of standard reading and learning materials in Nigeria’s tertiary educational institutions, the Board of Trustees of the Tertiary Education Trust Fund, TETFund, has appointed Professor Chike Anibeze of Enugu State University of Science and Technology, ESUT, and Professor Blessing Didia, the immediate past Vice-Chancellor of Rivers State University as National Coordinating Editors to develop a manuscript in Anatomy for production into a basic textbook for use by tertiary educational institutions in Nigeria.
The book, which is to be titled “Fundamentals of Anatomy”, will service the basic anatomical needs of students in medicine, anatomy, nursing, physiotherapy (medical rehabilitation), radiography and other health sciences.
The commencement of the project followed the approval granted by the TETFUND Technical Advisory Committee for the Manuscript-outline and proposed content-summary earlier submitted by Professor Anibeze.
The coordinating editors are, therefore, commissioned to select appropriate experts in the field of anatomy, preferably of the professorial cadre and reflecting competence and geographical spread, in carrying out this important national assignment.
To fully ensure the actualisation of this important national assignment geared towards the promotion of indigenous authorship and addressing the dearth of quality textbooks in our tertiary institutions, TETFund has produced a time-line for the completion of this assignment.
The coordinating editors are expected to deliver on the agreement within the stipulated time.
The Principal Coordinating Editor for the “Fundamentals of Anatomy” textbook, Professor Chike Anibeze, is a professor of anatomy with bias in experimental anatomy and neurobiology.
He is a fellow of Royal Society of Biology, London, and the President and Fellow of the Society of Experimental and Clinical Anatomists of Nigeria, SECAN.
He was recently elected into the College of Representatives’ Board of the International Federation of Associations of Anatomy, IFAA.
He currently serves as the Director of Academic Planning as well as the Chairman ESUTPress in the Enugu State University of Science and Technology.