Over the past two years, more and more of our work and school has shifted online. From the workplace, to...
The high-stakes exams provider will use Regula’s ID verification tool to detect fraudulent ID presented by a proxy candidate. The solution will...
Dive Brief: When schools shut down in March due to the coronavirus pandemic, South Dakota's statewide teacher mentoring program shifted...
When students at El Puente M.S. 50 Community School in Brooklyn, New York, log into Zoom at 8:30 a.m. each...
Dive Brief: Focusing on relationships with students, families and staff is key to making curriculum connect in remote learning, education consultant...
The Canadian government has allowed international students to study remotely without impacting their post-graduate work permit eligibility, resulting in about...
Dive Brief: Students were already at high risk for mental health problems, but the pressures of the pandemic are compounding...
Dive Brief: Distance learning can impact project-based learning (PBL) assignments that include collaboration, but there are steps educators can take...
Whether the model is in-person, hybrid or remote, all schools and districts are incorporating some form of remote learning this...
Dive Brief: Though graduation rates steadily increased over the last few years, education leaders expect remote learning will cause that...