Skills Based Learning Pathways with Jane Oates
Jane Oates is the President of Working Nation, a non-profit media entity focused on showcasing innovative approaches to career pathways that bridge from education into meaningful work. Jane joins host Mike Palmer in a conversation about the skills revolution and its connections to higher ed, the workforce, and new, emerging models for career development.
We begin by hearing Jane’s origin story, beginning as a special ed teacher before moving into educational research at Temple University. From there, she joined Senator Edward Kennedy to help write legislation, worked in John Corzine’s administration in New Jersey, and served as the Assistant Secretary of Labor under President Obama, in an impressive career culminating in her current role leading Working Nation.
Then we explore recent trends in workforce education, post-secondary pathways, and the critical connection between learning and the future of work. Jane shares her perspectives on what’s emerging in the world of skills-based education, income share agreements, and other new models for educational pathways and provides advice to all of us charting our career trajectories in disruptive times.
It’s an informed deep-dive into the world of workforce development and training with a genuine thought leader in the field. Don’t miss it!
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