Rots en Water Training Methodology

Rots en Water Training Methodology

Rots en Water is a training methodology designed for both children and adults. It is a psychophysical training program aimed at people who, due to various circumstances, need more balance and resilience in their lives. The program helps individuals become more emotionally and socially grounded. But what exactly is Rots en Water training? In what situations can a psychologist apply this psychophysical training for both children and adults?

What is the Rots en Water Program?

The Rots en Water program is a resilience training. It seeks to strike a balance between “Rots” (self-defense and standing up for oneself) and “Water” (empathy, respect, and social skills). This psychophysical training is suitable for both children and adults, and its goal is to improve social and communication skills. It also aims to prevent conflicts and social issues, such as bullying or inappropriate (sexual) behavior.

  • Improving social skills
  • Enhancing communication skills
  • Reducing social issues (bullying or inappropriate behavior)
  • Boosting overall well-being and resilience

For some, this training might lead to greater self-confidence and self-control, while for others, it helps with setting boundaries, making social connections, or building friendships. The Rots en Water training can be tailored to the needs of children, young adults, and adults alike.

The Rots en Water program originated in the Netherlands. It is recognized worldwide and is often used by psychologists to support children and teenagers in increasing their resilience, as well as in identifying and responding appropriately to bullying or inappropriate sexual behavior.

What is “Rots”?

In the training, “Rots” represents standing up for yourself and maintaining your personal boundaries. It symbolizes being firm in who you are, what you do, and what you want. Within the psychophysical training method used by psychologists, “Rots” stands for inner strength. However, being too much of a “Rots” might lead to dominating or overpowering behavior.

What is “Water”?

“Water” represents empathy—understanding your own feelings as well as those of others. In the training, it also symbolizes building social connections, the behavior you exhibit in social situations, and forming friendships. “Water” also emphasizes respect. However, if you are too much “Water,” you may become overly accommodating and focus too much on pleasing others.

When Can Rots en Water Be Used?

The Rots en Water methodology is a resilience program that also focuses on pedagogical aspects. This means that attention is given to developing and improving social and communication skills. The training can be applied to both adults and children.

It also helps individuals make conscious life choices, recognize signs of stress, use breathing techniques, and improve body posture. The Rots en Water training methodology can be used for various purposes, such as:

  • Increasing resilience and self-reliance: This psychophysical training can be used to enhance resilience and self-reliance, especially if you struggle with setting boundaries or standing up for yourself.
  • Building confidence after a traumatic event: Rots en Water can also be effectively applied after a traumatic experience. The training focuses on restoring trust in your own body.

Rots en Water with EpexMind

EpexMind is an organization that offers Rots en Water+. We enhance the traditional Rots en Water methodology by incorporating additional elements into our training programs, providing a more comprehensive approach to building resilience. Whether you are looking to strengthen your ability to set clear boundaries, increase self-awareness, or recover after a challenging experience, EpexMind’s tailored Rots en Water+ training is designed to meet your unique needs. Our expert trainers, including psychologists, can guide you in determining if this training is the right fit for your school.