Resourceaholic: 5 Maths Gems #153

1. Digitisers
2. GCSE Statistics
I’ve never taught GCSE Statistics but I know that teachers of this course often lament the lack of resources. So they’ll be pleased to hear that Ben Hamilton has started sharing a resourced scheme of work for Edexcel GCSE Statistics. I know that many teachers will be really grateful to Ben for sharing this.
4. GCSE Booklets
Thanks to Richard Morley for sharing a very helpful collection of GCSE Revision booklets.
📢New resource alert!🎉
Been a bit quiet on the site recently, but I’ve collated all notes jotters so that they can be printed as a booklet, grouped by Foundation, Crossover and Higher, then by topic, download them at https://t.co/UD5GPGsLCM @mathsjem @missradders @Just_Maths pic.twitter.com/HL3VUjOf4U
— Richard Morley (@MrMorleyMaths) January 17, 2022
5. Tasks
Loads of great tasks have been shared on Twitter lately, including…
Here’s an interesting task from @SegarRogers which can be downloaded from @ChrisMcGrane84‘s wonderful website. It’s fascinating to look at the range of questions here and how they can be classified.
There’s lots going on!
Yesterday I ran a 2.5 hour workshop on curriculum and depth at the MA/ATM London branch. Thank you to everyone who came, and thank you to the IoE for hosting and Japleen Kaur for organising. The ATM and MA have branches all over the country which provide free/cheap CPD for maths teachers, so do check out your local branch.
Here are a few more things you may have missed:
- My video ‘What secondary teachers should know about the Key Stage 2 maths curriculum’ went down well – lots of departments have watched it together in their department meetings.
- Mathematical Education on Merseyside has been running take-home maths competitions in February half term since the late 1970s. They attract about 2,000 entries annually, with Challenge aimed at Years 7 and 8, and Senior Challenge aimed at Years 9 and 10. Their 2022 competition is live now – visit their website to enter your students.
- Dan Draper – one of my favourite bloggers – wrote about circle theorems.
- The Liverpool Maths School is running on-demand CPD for maths teachers, with a focus on enriching GCSE lessons with Key Stage 5 content. Information is here.
- On Twitter I shared some examples of exercises from my old post ‘Equations Exercises’ where I got a team of volunteers to type up parts of an algebra textbook from the 1950s. This set is a good example of interweaving two skills: expanding double brackets and solving linear equations: