Our Summer Blended Learning Course Line-Up!
It’s 20 degrees in March and those who are thawing out in toasty climates are posting photos of sunshine, sand, and surf. But don’t worry about us, we’re warming up by working on our summer Blended Learning course line-up!
We listened, and now know how much you love the Blended Learning combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning! As a result, this summer we are boosting our Blended Learning offerings to 14 courses! Come connect, learn, and laugh with educators from across the U.S. to discuss what it means to be a teacher in today’s world.
NEW! Course 5218: Tidy Your Teaching Life
Plan ahead, get organized, and save time! These mantras from The Together Teacher textbook will fill you with ideas to make your teaching life even better. With inspiration from organization expert Marie Kondo and strategies for purging digital, emotional, and classroom clutter, you will be a teacher who has it together. Get ready to spark joy as you tidy your teaching life!
NEW! Course 5216: Teaching with TikTok, Twitter and Tech
Whether you are a social media novice or a technology pro, get ready to discover the opportunities TikTok, Twitter and other tech tools provide for teaching and learning! An abundance of exploration awaits, as together we learn about the power social media and other platforms have on engagement, inclusivity, and connection. Join teachers from across the country as we learn, share, and create!
NEW! Course 5208: Welcoming Wellness into Your Work Life
Welcome wellness into your teacher work-life in this encouraging course designed for educators! Take time to explore how you can improve your sleep, mental efficacy, and overall health. Learn life-long wellness practices that make it easy to be active and find out how the four dimensions of wellness impact your work-life and students. As it says on the back of the book for the course, “Go ahead, superstar educator: Open up this book, and start living your best life now.” What are you waiting for?
NEW! Course 5209: Championing Students Who Challenge Us
When discussing discipline, words like compassion and kindness can seem revolutionary. Yet, these are the very actions that will shape who our students become and help them believe they belong. With a focus on strengths, this course outlines strategies to support students who are challenging using structure, empathy, and understanding. Discover the power of acceptance and love as you guide students from behaving to belonging.
NEW! Course 5211: Teachers Matter
Filled with uplifting and supportive messages, this course experience is the salve all teachers need to remember why they matter. Using the powerful documentary Love Them First, educators from across the country will connect to discuss what it means to be a teacher in today’s world and will explore the impact they make on students’ lives. If you’re ready to be inspired and to reflect on why you became a teacher, this is the course for you!
NEW! Course 5210: Using Storytelling to Teach and Learn
Once upon a time, there was a teacher who told so many engaging and inspirational stories, every student wanted to be in the class! If you strive to be that educator, this course will teach you how to bring learning to life through the art of storytelling. Explore how digital applications and storytelling strategies can be used to engage students, connect content, and enhance learning. If a picture is worth a thousand words, a story is worth its weight in gold when creating classroom learning experiences! Using the magic of The Moth Radio Hour and other resources, educators will discover why storytelling is a powerful pedagogical practice.
Are you ready to transform your classroom by creating new activities that will engage students like never before!? Let the games begin! This course gives educators the opportunity to reimagine classrooms as places where the phrase “Learning is not all fun and games” does not apply! Teachers will explore how games engage and challenge students through competition, success, strategy, failure, and fun. Through the infusion of traditional, review, and online games into classroom curriculum, educators will renew students’ excitement for learning. Roll the dice! Come learn with us!
Course 5201: The Stress Effect
Envision reacting to the world of unknowns and “new normals” with a connected-and-calm response, even when circumstances are beyond your control. Picture the transformative power of understanding and managing your innate stress response by focusing on gratitude, empathy, compassion, and hope. Break free from the bonds of stress to focus on practical ideas, applications, and a commitment to learning ways to manage life’s daily stressors.
Course 5202: Managing Movement in Technology Times
Make plans for a bright future and join the movement-Movement that will ensure students’ tech use is accompanied with a healthy body and mind in your face-to-face or virtual classroom. In this timely course, you will explore both the risks and the rewards of technology use in the classroom and how movement can be easily integrated into lessons and learning. The course text is filled with just the right number of acronyms to ensure easy recall of movement and tech strategies, including Stress Management and Relaxation Techniques (SMART) designed to manage student stress and boost resilience. Get ready to grow in your educational expertise as you become a Movement and Tech Educator (MTE).
Course 5204: Teaching for Good
Empower students to become agents of change through bold teaching! Inspire students to dream, design and act through practical, purpose-driven projects that create social good. Discover how the meaningful use of technology, peacemaking, storytelling, and collaboration with diverse local and global populations can impact learning and motivate action. Get ready to rock the world in this fresh, influential course designed to inspire positive change through ed tech and innovation.
Course 5056: The Mindful Approach
Take a fresh look at the teaching profession through the exploration of ideas for finding balance, creating focused presence, and emphasizing authenticity. Discover how mindfulness creates contentment and be energized by conversation, reflection, and connection that supports you, wonderful, marvelous, you!
Mission Possible is your opportunity to create engaging and memorable activities for and with your students! Participate in breakout activities and games as you learn how various teaching “hooks” can grab students’ attention…and keep it. Explore the possibilities and discover ways to make students’ school experience memorable.
Course 5113: Teacher Wellness 2
Learn how attending to our minds, bodies and spirits prepares us for long and successful careers and how acting as wellness role models teaches students to care for themselves, too. In this course, educators will explore the value of saying no, how to be judicious with time, the way values impact choices, and innovative practices for restoring energy. Celebrate the benefits of wellness-based teaching strategies and examine life choices in this course that investigates balance and self-discovery.
Course 5114: The Power of Positivity
Stories of students and teachers seeking to be positive forces for good are the inspiration for this course that strives to promote what is best in all of us. In this course, teachers will become part of the phenomenon of positivity through the development of a “Posi-Plan” designed to spread kindness and to wipe out negativity. Learn how the power of positivity can transform your professional practice and how gestures of kindness make us, and our students, better people.
With the variety of 14 courses, we know you will find one (or two, or three…) Blended Learning courses you want to try!
We look forward to meeting you!
We have also launched 3 new graduate-level courses for you to explore!
Now Open for Registration —
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