Local schools struggle with homeschooling numbers due to pandemic


TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (WTXL) — Leon County currently has 1,902 students enrolled in homeschooling and 1,956 were enrolled in 2021. Though the world seems to be making strides back to normalcy, the school system is not moving at the same pace.

Gadsden County is also experiencing high volumes of students switching learning methods. In 2021, they had 273 students switch to homeschooling and that number rose to 356 for the 2022 school year.

However, there is one factor working in the school’s favor. Students that are returning are due to new COVID-19 protocols. Leon County’s Director of Attendance Jessica Lowe believes things may be turning around.

“We do see students returning to traditional schooling because of vaccinations,” Lowe said. “Being able to have access to vaccinations and so they are feeling more comfortable returning to traditional schooling.”

Assistant Superintendent Michelle Gayle explained that to combat students making the switch from traditional schools Leon County has put in place fresh techniques to help students.

We are enhancing programs we’re doing some really innovative things,” Gayle said.

Depending on the classroom Leon County is now offering specialized groups, one-on-one time with teachers, computer programs instead of worksheets and more.

To learn more about Leon County’s new safety measures head on over to their website at www.leonschools.net .


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