How to get a government job after graduation?

At one specific point of time in life, generally after completing graduation, people search for a job. The job can be for anything – for the passion that’s growing inside, or for catering to the needs of your family. Among the Indians who belong to the middle-class category, a government job still remains the first choice. Why? Security and stability of government jobs, better pay scale, and a wide range of other benefits that come with the job.

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Unlike private sector jobs, you need to clear specific examinations for a government job. Once the candidates are shortlisted, they are called for a personal interview. If you crack these as well, usually it is followed by a training period. Afterward, you will be given a job posting to any location the government chooses to. There are various offline and online coaching programs available to help graduates crack these exams.

What kind of job a person can search for?

A job can be of two types – Government and Private. Nowadays, a wide range of other categories have been added in between these two, but when a person is asked what type of a job he does – the answer is expected to come from these options.

Comparison between a Government and a Private job

Any job, which is directly or indirectly controlled by the government of a country is called a government job. On the other hand, a private job can be served under any non-government body like a private limited firm, any proprietary business or such.

There are a lot of differences between these two. To start with, job security is the first point that comes to mind. Sometimes, we see a private organization or a company shutting down and its employees getting jobless. In a government job, there is no scope of losing your job for no fault of yours.

Among many reasons, another important reason is the pension benefits. In a government job, after serving a job role for many years, an employee gets an amount on a monthly or yearly basis. While in a private job, there is no such thing.

What are the job roles one can get in a government job?

There is a never-ending list of job roles offered under a government job category. To get a particular government job in India, a person needs to crack an exam conducted by a department. There are several departments that come under the government. To help the graduates get selected, many online and offline platforms provide coachings for these examinations such as IAS coaching, SSC coaching, bank exam coaching and so on.

Here are some of the jobs a person can get under the government:

UPSC Civil Service

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts several Civil Service Examinations for recruiting Indians to the civil services of the Indian government.

This is one of the most popular job choices among young graduates. They spend months and years taking IAS coaching in offline and online mode and several other coaching programs to crack these exams. There are three stages of the exam – a General Studies Paper, which is followed by a Civil Service Aptitude Test or CSAT. If a candidate cracks both these stages, he or she is called for a personal interview. The whole procedure takes more than a year.

If selected, the candidate is eligible to get the job in Indian Administrative Service (IAS), Indian Police Service (IPS), Indian Corporate Law Services (ICLS), Indian Foreign Services (IFS), and many other departments.

IBPS Banking Exam

A large number of graduates appear in the exams conducted by the Indian Banking Personnel Selection. These exams are conducted to recruit the graduates on the posts of Probationary Officer (PO), Regional Rural Bank Recruitment (RRB), and management. The selected candidates work in public, private, and sometimes even in foreign banks. The State Bank of India, however, conduct their own examination for recruiting candidates for managerial posts.

Teacher in Government Schools

Another coveted government job is that of a teacher in government schools. A Teaching Eligibility Test (TET) is organized to fill up the teaching posts in government schools around the country. The government conducts this test on both the state and central (national) levels.

Indian Engineering Services

The UPSC organizes these examinations for recruiting technical and management level employees for the Indian government. The tests are called the Engineering Services Examination or ESE. More than 150 thousand candidates appear on these examinations.

Government jobs are the primary choice of an Indian graduate. There are ample opportunities for the graduates of getting a job of their liking. However, since the competition is fierce, they need to work hard and give it their best shot.