GAISA partners with Hanover Research

GAISA was launched last year to champion international students as they face issues related to “Covid-19, government hostility and widespread institutional neglect”. 

“What makes the research GAISA and Hanover are partnering up to execute so unique is its focus on intersectionality”

The organisation also plans on conducting four to five more research projects over the next year focusing on issues such as mental health, workforce readiness, academic policies, and issues of race, racism and white supremacy seen in the country.

“What makes the research GAISA and Hanover are partnering up to execute so unique is its focus on intersectionality,” Richard DeCapua, founding president of GAISA told The PIE News

“There are multiple offices ranging from admissions, to international student services, to student affairs, who all have a role to play in the success of international students.”

One of GAISA’s planned research projects will examine the intersection of technology and tele-health with regard to international student mental health in conjunction with EDUCAUSE

The organisation will also be joining the New England Board of Higher Education for a series of webinars focused on international student success with other partners from ACE and NAFSA.

“Our research has a primary focus on not only being timely and relevant, but producing best practices and tool kits that colleges and universities can use as a model to support and graduate international students,” said John Singleton, director of international services at TCU Texas Christian University.

GAISA and Hanover will be releasing updates throughout the year, accompanied by professional development events relating to the finding of the research. 

Since its inception in September 2020, GAISA has gained traction both within and outside of the higher education community, at a “phenomenal pace”.  

Its first partnership with the American Association of Colleges and Universities has led to a study that focuses on reimagining international education for a post-covid world.

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