Finding A Way Out of Poverty After the Military
According to Forbes, studies revealed that there are 44% of hard working American people who currently experience financial hardship and are not even in a position to cover small financial emergency of about $400. Most people who do experience an emergency that will require this amount of money up front will experience great challenges. For those who face job loss, a $400 emergency can become devastating and can take every penny that they ever owned form them and their family members. Sadly, for military veterans it becomes even more extreme when it comes to financial struggles. Many military veterans leave the military with no education, no job and little to no experience to get a job as a civilian. What many people forget is that military veterans don’t get paid a lot every month. In fact, most of them are paid below the poverty line every month. The reason that so many people tend to have this perception of military getting paid a decent wage is because they do receive quite a bit of benefits such as housing, clothing, medical care, etc. But, after that all stops, they are left with little or nothing to support themselves and their families. One of the ways that you can get out of poverty after getting out of the military is educating yourself from the comfort of your own home.
Fortunately, you can finally be able to get yourself a hard-earned degree on your own time at your own pace from the comfort of your own computer. There are several online degrees that are available to many veterans who are looking to better their lives. An education can provide you with the knowledge and experience that may be required to live a successful civilian life. Without an education, it can be very easy to remain living in poverty. According to the American Home Front, statistics show that approximately More than 7% of active duty households stated that they experienced severe food insecurity over the recent year that has gone by. Overall, there are approximately more than 80,000 families Nationwide that suffer food insecurities every single year in America. Therefore, in order to combat poverty and inability to provide food for your family, it may be wise to improve your life with an education.
There are a number of online schools that you can possibly choose from when it comes to earning your degree. If you are completely clueless on how to get started and how to get to the degree you have always wanted to earn, you may want to consider speaking directly to an admissions advisor. There are several advisers that are more than willing to assist you with the right path on earning your education. You can also conduct a general search on the web by looking for any veteran admissions advisors.
Earning your degree can be one of the greatest things you will ever achieve after your life as a military veteran. There are so many different types of degrees you can possibly select from, so make sure that you take the time to learn more about each one to figure out which one can fit your lifestyle in your dreams for your career. Also, consider reaching out to your local college or online school for veterans to receive the proper guidance to earning your degree.