Enhance your Organization’s Quality by being a Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB)

Enhance your Organization’s Quality by being a Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB)

A certification in any discipline is a great extra qualification on one’s CV. It shows that you motivated and stretched yourself to enhance your learning in an area of your work, and that, with this certification, you contribute significantly above average to your organization’s work. The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB) is one such learning. In this article, let us get to know a bit about it.

What is the Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB)?

The Certified Six Sigma Green Belt is a certification that validates an employee’s perceptiveness about the intricate aspects of project development. It gives the candidate the tools and techniques needed to improve the processes’ quality and eliminate defects and waste. six Sigma Green Belt is part of the family of lean Six Sigma standards. It is the third of six tiers of Six Sigma levels or belts. It is above the Brown, White, and Yellow belts, and lower than the Black Belt and Master Black Belt.

What qualities does the Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB) instill?

Being a relatively top Six Sigma belt, the CSSGB tunes the following aspects in candidates:

  • It gives them insight into how to handle and finesse projects from the Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control (DMAIC)parameters. It gives the project manager the high-level Six Sigma proficiency needed for implementing, performing, interpreting, and applying these to projects
  • It makes them part of teams that are usually tasked with process and Quality improvement, reduction of costs, and elimination of waste and repetition. This enables them to offer higher customer satisfaction and the confidence to deal with the competition with better decision making

How is the Certified Six Sigma Green Belt earned?

The learning needed for earning the CSSGB is imparted by a certified Black Belt, which qualifies the latter to teach the concepts that go into the training for this certification, and this is usually spread part-time over 10 weeks, generally on Saturdays.

The Exam

The exam can be of three or four hours duration, depending on the certifying body, prominent and globally recognized among which are the American Society for Quality (ASQ) and TheInternational Association for Six Sigma Certification (IASSC).

The CSSGB exam consists of 100 questions, which are posed in the open book, proctored method. These 100 questions consist of five parts of varying types of questions, such as multiple choice, true or false, and so on. The candidate has to secure 70% marks to qualify and earn the certificate.


There are no prerequisites for taking up the Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB) exam from the IASSC. However, the ASQ requires you to have three years of experience in project management working on Lean Six Sigma.

Exam Fee

The IASSC charges $295 for the Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB) exam, while the ASQ charges $438 for nonmembers and $338 for members. With this body, the cost of each exam retake is $238.


That the Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB)is a high-demand certification is exemplified by the fact that those holding this certification work in prime positions such as Quality Systems Manager, Quality Engineer, Quality Supervisor, Quality Analyst, Quality Auditor, and related ones.

They hold these high positions because they bring to the table the qualities that organizations across the world value. It is no surprise that Certified Six Sigma Green Belt (CSSGB) professionals are much sought after by Fortune 500 companies, which pay these professionals in the range of $117,000.

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