Data GIF Maker: Tell Stories with Your Data


Data GIF Maker

Designed to help journalists tell stories with data, Data Gif Maker is a quick and easy way to make animated data visualizations. It doesn’t have many features; however, its simplicity makes it perfect for many situations where you’re only comparing data between a few items.

Choose Your Template

Choose from one of three GIF templates: rectangles, circles, or racetrack.


Student Engagement and Suspension Rates
Suspension rates for students from schools in the top quartile for engagement vs. students from schools in the bottom quartile for engagement. Source


Percent of students in Grades 5 and 12 who strongly agree with the statement “I have fun at school.”
– Gallup Student Poll 2016


Percent of Students Engaged
Student Engagement by Grade Level – Gallup Student Poll 2016

Make Your GIF

With a template selected, it’s time to make your GIF:

  1. Choose a value type.
  2. Add Text
  3. Enter your data.
  4. Select your colors.
  5. Add a title for your GIF
  6. Save your GIF
Data GIF Maker - Create a GIF

How Will Your Students Use Data GIF Maker?

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Nick LaFave

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