Crisis Cover announces deal with StudentRoomStay

As part of the deal, StudentRoomStay clients will be given automatic access to Student Parachute which offers geolocation tracking and student protection and assistance. 

“Student Parachute covers the risks that no student or family member wants to consider”

CEO of Crisis Cover, Carole Tokody, said that recent global events have proved the importance of providing international students with the emergency support and assistance they need when the unexpected happens. 

“This integration will not only provide students with a solid foundation for safety and success, it will also allow their families to have peace of mind no matter where their loved one chooses to study,” she said.

“Student Parachute covers the risks that no student or family member wants to consider and delivers real-time emergency response services around the world.”

Adam Lee, CEO and co-founder of StudentRoomStay said that it is the first time a global accommodation provider has introduced this type of initiative with “such dedication to student safety”.

“Both StudentRoomStay and Student Parachute have consistently prioritised an unwavering commitment to the safety and well-being of international students,” said Lee.

“By providing personalised accommodation and real-time emergency response services in one primary location, we allow students to enjoy and focus on their study abroad experience with confidence that we are always looking out for their safety and protection.”

The service will be available to members via and the StudentRoomStay app. 

The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in international students being stranded abroad, with some facing severe financial difficulties

Now international students are looking for additional support to stay safe overseas in their host countries according to Tokody.

“International students and their families are nervous. They saw how different countries and organisations managed the welfare of international students during Covid-19, and they are extremely cautious about getting stuck if something unexpected happens,” she said. 

“This is where Student Parachute steps in and fills the gaps in traditional travel insurance and international student health products.”

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