CEG acquires online medical education specialists iheed

Dublin-based  iheed  designs, develops and delivers  online  postgraduate qualifications with leading medical universities and postgraduate training bodies such as  the  University  of  Warwick and  the  Royal College of Physicians  of Ireland.

“As pioneers of innovative online medical education, the synergies between iheed and CEG are undeniable”

CEG said that the acquisition will also  provide “exciting  opportunities” for new  medical and healthcare  programs  for its existing  partnerships with UK universities.

“As pioneers of innovative online medical education, the synergies between  iheed  and CEG are undeniable, and this new collaboration brings with it the potential for significant social and economic impact,” said Brendan Webb, co-CEO of Cambridge Education Group.

“Through CEG’s  global education experience, and  iheed’s  medical expertise  and pedagogical model, our ambition is to make a rigorous medical education accessible, affordable and effective.”

Webb explained that as an international education provider, CEG has  both  an opportunity and a responsibility to respond to the demands of a rapidly evolving global workforce.

He said that his organisation was confident that the  acquisition of  iheed  will facilitate the development of “state-of-the-art solutions” for aspiring medical professionals across the world.

“We are delighted with this partnership and investment from  CEG  who share both our ambition and values,” said Tom O’ Callaghan, CEO of iheed.

“ Together with our university partners we will accelerate the range of transformative online master’s qualifications we deliver to our doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals across the world, allowing them to deliver better care.”

iheed  will  complement  CEG’s online and blended learning division,  CEG Digital, which is currently working with  seven  partner universities  in the UK  to deliver part-time, online courses to students around the world.

“The acquisition of iheed not only expands CEG’s online education provision but represents an important diversification into medical training,” said Chris Bell, partner at Bridgepoint.

“This in turn will allow CEG to offer additional medical and healthcare programs to its existing UK university partnerships.”

CEG currently offers international students a variety of opportunities to study medical  program  through its  pathways  division, ONCAMPUS, which has partnerships with  the University of Central Lancashire Medical School,  St George’s University, Grenada, University of Nicosia in Cyprus and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland.

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