BELTA elects board to guide through to 2024
Alongside Argenta, director of Just & ETC Intercâmbios Neila Chammas will be financial director, CEO of Yázigi Travel Maura Leão institutional relations director and director of ViaMundo Antonio Bacelar Jr operations director.
Elected in late May, the new board will run until 2024.
“As a businessman and as a person, I saw the importance of the collective in the last year,” Argenta said.
“My line of action is objective and focused on results. I will maintain the institutional line of the Belta Bylaw, focusing on the commercial in a way that is positive for everyone.
“I hope to be able to help and share new ideas to conquer our space more and more in this resumption that is already happening. I am confident that the next two or three years will be better than ever.”
“I am confident that the next two or three years will be better than ever”
Outgoing president Maura Leão noted that the time members donate to the association is “for the benefit of our market”.
“And the respectability we have achieved in Brazil and around the world is based on the ethical stance we have and praise very much.
“Especially in this pandemic moment that we are going through, we saw the importance that the association has been having for us, Belta members. Absolute success for the new president, and for the board of which I will be also part. Together we are even stronger!”
The Audit Committee includes: Carla Amaral from Central do Estudante (Belo Horizonte); Derci Jardim from Cultura Global (São Paulo); and Cristiane Marie Cardoso de Mello Silva from International Schools (Rio de Janeiro).
The Ethics Committee features: Ana Beatriz Faulhaber from CP4 Cursos no Exterior (Rio de Janeiro); Flávio Crusoé Jr from BEX Intercâmbio (Salvador); and Roberta Gutschow from Roda Mundo Intercâmbio (São Paulo).