4 Podcasts to Center Your Mindset

4 Podcasts to Center Your Mindset

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Our world as teachers becomes more stressful than usual when we enter the holiday season. Additional events make their way onto our calendars, students become less engaged academically, and our personal “to do” lists expand.  Overwhelm and exhaustion creep their way into our mental state.

Hal Elrod, the author of The Miracle Morning states, “By waking up every day and dedicating time to elevating our own individual consciousness, we can elevate the collective consciousness of humanity and make the world a better place.” He’s speaking to us! We teach because we want to make the world a better place.

I encourage you to find 10-20 minutes each morning to center your mind. Begin your day with a burst of positivity and self development!  Utilizing the power of podcasts is a great way to do this. Here are a few of my favorite “go to” podcasts. They are short in length, the authors upload almost daily, and the content is instantly applicable to life.

Podcast #1: The Mindset Mentormindsetmentor

“My purpose in life is to help people release themselves from mental suffering. All too often that suffering is a mental barrier that we unconsciously place in front of ourselves, that holds us back from the life we dream of living.” – Rob Dial


Podcast #2: Mel Robbins

mel robbins

“Every episode of The Mel Robbins Podcast is filled with the motivation and tactics you need plus deeply personal stories, relatable topics and tactical, research-backed advice to help you create a better life.” – Mel Robbins


Podcast #3: The Positive Mindset


“The Positive Mindset Podcast is an uplifting audio experience. With meditation-style storytelling, this podcast will help you raise your vibration, lift your perspective, and build a positive mindset.” – The Positive Mindset Podcast


Podcast #4: The Resilient Teacher

resilient teacher

“A podcast that gives overwhelmed educators the support, tools, and mindset to reduce teacher burnout and keep teaching sustainable. Each week, Brittany Blackwell, M.Ed. & her guests will share inspiration and actionable steps to avoid or recover from the dreaded teacher burnout. You’ll be inspired to individualize self-care and learn to prioritize your well-being and mental health, all while making a bigger impact on your classrooms and community.” – The Resilient Teacher 

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