25 Mindfulness Books For Kids and Teens – For Grounded and Relaxed Children
If you are raising children, chances are you have dealt with expressions of strong emotions. If you need the best mindfulness books for kids, browse through these simple and engaging books below to find practical strategies for handling emotions and difficulties.
The topic of mindfulness is of growing importance in today’s culture. Though anxiety and fear of the future are looming concerns, these facts of life do not have to control us.
A common thread in these mindfulness books for kids is a striving to fight the feelings of powerlessness and negativity that can come from stresses in the world and our minds. Taking back control of your body to stay present in every moment enables more kids to use their minds to their fullest.
This list is compiled of top-rated books for kids to encourage mindful practice. Many are written by mindfulness teachers such as reputable authors, therapists, and even doctors that desire to teach kids to process difficult emotions. Upon examining data from descriptions and reviews, we have found the best mindfulness books for you and your family.
Best Mindfulness Books for Kids Reviewed
The following books are selected for children between early childhood and 10 years old. These options can introduce the topic of mindfulness to an energetic or emotional child, offering them new strategies to cope with their sensations.
Cassidy’s Present
Cassidy (the dog) has a lot to teach her two humans, Anna and Charlie. Too busy to stop and notice the beauty of the world, these kids slowly learn to appreciate the present moment, even across the changes that seasons bring. Join Cassidy in her carefree encounters with the world.
This book offers beautiful images and insightful tips that children ages 5-12 will love. Parents and kids-at-heart will resonate with this quiet, thoughtful book.
Listening with My Heart: A Story of Kindness Self Compassion
When Esperanza finds a special rock in the shape of a heart, she begins a journey to show kindness and share mindfulness with others in everyday life. This book explores how a young girl can extend those same elements of kindness towards herself when she needs it most.
5-12-year-olds will learn lessons of friendship and kindness along with Esperanza.
Give Me Grace: Give Me Grace
While mindfulness is often associated with Eastern religions, there is a strong mediation tradition in Western religions as well. From Origen of Alexanddria to the anonymous author of the Cloud of Unknowing, contemplative prayer has a rich history in Christianity.
Give Me Grace is a compilation of prayers and meditations for preschoolers to help them feel the calming presence of God on a level they can understand.
A Handful of Quiet Happiness in Four Pebbles
This unique illustrated book provides readers aged 5-9 with a simple exercise to mindfulness meditation through the use of four small pebbles.
With this practical and concrete activity, participants can find new ways to channel anxieties and cultivate thankfulness and relaxation. This pebble meditation exercise channels participants’ control over deep breaths to stay calm even during challenging moments.
The Mindful Dragon
This installment in the My Dragon Books series provides a lighthearted but insightful look at teaching and practicing mindfulness and meditation to properly deal with stressful emotions. As a story that allows readers to imagine raising a dragon, this book can teach children to focus from within by teaching the dragon the same lesson.
An exciting journey for 4-8 year old readers, this sweetly illustrated book will be as instructive as it is fun.
Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids (and Their Parents)
This guide is a must-have for parents and their children who are looking to learn more about effectively practicing mindfulness with yoga poses and breathing exercises.
As an easy-to-understand guide, this compilation of exercises, anecdotes, and examples will equip everyone to practice mindfulness. These lessons are simple enough to be performed anytime to boost self-control and well-being.
Kids ages 5-12 will benefit from this book by learning how to appreciate moments as they come with exercises devoted to calmness, sleep, emotions, and awareness.
Master of Mindfulness: How to Be Your Own Superhero in Times of Stress
This practical and imaginative guide to mindfulness offers a relatable and helpful insight into the benefits and successes of mindfulness. Kids will resonate with this fun book written by kids just like them. With many simple exercises and mindfulness activities, this book can provide many instances to practice yoga, engage in self-expression, and cultivate mindful awareness.
Great for the age group of 5-12, this book can help guide readers through practicing calmness and control in their lives.
Crab and Whale
This storybook is designed to introduce mindfulness and meditation to young readers in a subtle but memorable fashion. As a book that focuses on taking control of your breath, emotions, and bodies, this story can instruct through sharing the experience with beloved characters as they learn to inhabit the present moment.
Fit for children 2-11 years old, this book is a great preface for deeper conversations about finding presence and control in your world.
What Does It Mean to Be Present?

This wonderful picture book follows a group of friends through their experiences at school, at home, and in the world. There are opportunities in every location to practice greater awareness and focus on what is around you through mindfulness meditation.
This book serves as a good resource for those between 4-8 years old to follow these characters in their journey towards mindfulness.
Breathe Like a Bear: 30 Mindful Moments for Kids to Feel Calm and Focused Anytime, Anywhere
With detailed instructions for breathing exercises and focus to help kids learn, this illustrated book is a robust resource of activities and perspectives to cultivate mindfulness. Readers can apply these strategies in any stressful situation to regain control of their bodies and emotions.
Kids ages 4-8 will love these relaxing exercises.
Listening to My Body
This book offers interactive sessions and stories with colorful illustrations to encourage a child’s awareness and vocabulary of mindfulness. This book will engage the imagination to find focus through this inner journey towards awareness and calmness. These strategies are a useful tool for kids who want to manage anger or listen to their inner voice.
Ideal for ages 8-12, this book blends instruction with wisdom to provide a complete guide to stress management and self-regulation for happier and more balanced kids.
Mindfulness Picture Books
These mindfulness books for kids listed below feature engaging images and memorable exercises to ensure that your child remembers and implements these mindfulness strategies in their daily life.
Puppy Mind
This book, illustrated by the talented Jim Durk, follows the journey as a young boy discovers the meaning of having a mind like a puppy. Readers young and old can benefit from the discoveries of self-discipline and composure contained in this book. The cool illustrations will captivate young readers as they learn how to control their puppy mind.
Alphabreaths: The ABCs of Mindful Breathing by Christopher Willard and Daniel Rechtschaffen
With memorable keywords across the alphabet and engaging exercises, this book introduces kids to mindfulness and meditation in a way they will understand. Various exercises encourage kids to be fully present right where they are, whether they are struggling with emotions, nature, or relationships.
A great choice for children ages 4-8, this book will expose readers to finding mindfulness in every walk of life.
Calm Mindfulness for Kids by Wynne Kinder
This interactive mindfulness book provides a unique perspective on learning and application with plenty of activities and journaling space for children to implement their new mindfulness techniques. This book can equip readers to channel their confidence into thankfulness and productivity.
This book is ideal for kids ages 6-9 who are ready to dive into a more mindful world with these positive strategies.
Here and Now by Julia Denos
Gorgeous illustrations appear throughout this story to engage younger children as they learn how to connect with their world. Specifically created for kids who have experienced homeschooling, this book can provide a great resource for those who are struggling to handle new fears and anxieties.
Children 3-7 years old will find comfort and wisdom from this beautiful mindfulness book.
Meditation Station by Susan B. Katz
Rich with imagery and constructive figurative language, this picture book helps kids to grapple with their chaotic train of thought and better manage stress. In the security of meditation, kids will learn how to manage their racing thoughts and make guided choices on keeping calm and composed. As kids label their stress through figurative terms, they gain a greater sense of control.
Perfect for children ages 4-8 years old, this book can help ground and control their spinning thoughts.
Mindfulness Moments for Kids: Listen Like an Elephant by Kira Willey
This board book was created following the success of Willey’s Breathe Like a Bear mindfulness book. With exercises designed specifically for young children to understand and enjoy, this interactive book can teach the practice of mindfulness that translates to any real-life situation.
Made for kids aged baby-3 years, this book serves as an engaging introduction to the topic of mindfulness.
A World of Mindfulness by Erin Alladin
This quiet book focuses on enlisting readers’ senses to encourage calming meditation. By recognizing and affirming all emotions, this practice introduces children to the control they can exercise over their bodies with the help of the stillness around them.
The art and imagery captured in this book are perfect for kids ages 3-6 as they learn the benefits of mindfulness activities.
Your Mind is Like the Sky by Bronwen Ballard
Written by a psychologist and illustrated by an award-winning artist, this book focuses on negative thoughts being a natural part of the human experience. This book affirms difficult experiences that every child faces by offering support and coping strategies. Simply reading this book can teach mindfulness to kids in need.
Best for children ages 7-10, this book gives insight and expertise into the world of the mind in a way that kids will resonate with.
The Boy with Big, Big Feelings by Britney Winn Lee
This wonderful picture book about emotions and expression is perfect for highly-sensitive children, or those who experience heightened nervous system activity With stories to affirm the experience of these children and strategies to help, this book is a must-have for kids and parents who encounter strong feelings.
Children in the age group of 4-8 will love this relatable and accessible picture book.
Mindfulness Books For Teens
Kids in secondary school are no strangers to worries or anxiety. These mindfulness and meditation books can help teens navigate the many new challenges that they encounter.
The Mindful Teen: Powerful Skills to Help You Handle Stress One Moment at a Time

In this book written by a pediatrician, teens are presented with a core mindfulness practice that effortlessly translates into real life. In any stressful situation where teens might find themselves these strategies bring solidarity to a topic that can feel isolating to many young people.
These mindfulness techniques focus specifically on stress and cognition to help every teen feel stronger and more in control.
This guide is appropriate for grades 6-12.
The Stress Reduction Workbook for Teens: Mindfulness Skills to Help You Deal with Stress
In an accessible workbook format, this mindfulness book helps teens divert their thoughts towards positivity and relaxation. It addresses issues that all teenagers face such as school anxieties, relationship difficulties, and family stress. These activities bring present moments under your control.
This book is ideal for kids in grades 5-12 who need help focusing their energy on good.
Mindfulness For Teens in 10 Minutes A Day
This book aims to bring mindfulness into every situation, large or small with exercises that just take a few minutes. Featuring practical exercises that target breathing, emotions, and mindfulness meditation, this book promotes a holistic approach to mindfulness for young people.
Recommended for grades 7-9, this book is a perfect introduction to mindfulness practices.
Stuff That Sucks: A Teen’s Guide
A must-read for teenagers who want to learn how to accept their emotions rather than struggle against their feelings.
The book recognizes the fact that life is often just not fair – sometimes horrible even – and teaches kids and teenagers how to reconnect with what matters most to them. Emphasizing validation and compassion, this guide encourages your child to accept his/her emotions rather than struggle against them.
The 3 Minute Gratitude Journal For Kids
This interactive journal features daily prompts to explore topics in daily life to promote thankfulness and presence. Exercises in this book encourage self-exploration and greater appreciation for the positive things in the world. Each page gives a child space for expressing their emotions to affirm and process their thoughts.
This book is appropriate for children in grades 2-5 and up.
Big Life Journal For Teens
This engaging and interactive journal offers mindset-shifting activities that show teens how to control their emotions and focus on their goals. With science-based strategies, this workbook addresses negative thoughts and situations to turn them into positive motivators.
Recommended for ages 11 up, this book can help any teen grasp their life with their inner strength and peace.
Your child can find ways to focus their overflow of energy positively, and mindfulness is the first step on that journey through yoga poses, paying attention to emotions, and mindfulness practice. We hope you and your family benefit from these resourceful books for kids.
If you have any other favorite mindfulness books for kids that we missed, comment below and let us know!
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