10 Easy Instagram Photo Book Challenge
Lately, I’ve grown fascinated with the Instagram #BookChallenge and the #BookBento photo technique. So, here’s my rendition, see above graphic or make a copy of my GoogleDoc. Feel free to take, use, share, & make it yours! (With attribution please)
Confession: I’m kinda lazy, some book challenges are 30 or 31 days…I chose 10 pictures just to make it doable and easy.
Have you heard of these? Have you ever participated in one? For the past 6 months, I’ve been working on a new presentation for a keynote appearance in Ohio and it’s making me more thoughtful about the potential of Instagram. More clever ways to interact with Libraries, literacy, books, reading, kids, and our community.
UPDATE: October 5. I changed number 5 in the graphic & challenge above to #BookSelfie.
I have an announcement [taps mic] I am an idiot.
Here’s why. I’ve always LOVED the term #Shelfie cause it’s fun to say, where kids & people hold up a book next to their face, or covering their face, but ummmm after trying to make that a thing — womp womp, it’s not.
When you search #Shelfie on Instagram you get mostly pictures of ….well, shelves. But the #BookSelfie is the hashtag that brings up pictures of smiling people holding up books! So…. #BookSelfie it is! Ta da!
Here’s an amazing example from Johann in the UK.
See? I can be an idiot for years and then eventually learn. I’m also not afraid to admit when I’m an idiot and totally wrong, either! Because, well…unlike most of the Real Housewives (Hello Vickie G & Ramona S –talking about you) I can say I do try to “own it.”
Here’s more info from BookRiot #RiotGrams 2019
“We’ve talked a bit about Bookstagram here on Book Riot, and you probably know about our own sweet little Instagram account. Now we’d like to challenge the awesome readers and community of Book Rioters to take part in a month-long Instagram challenge, hosted by us. If you’ve got an Instagram account, that’s all you need to take part.”
Don’t have access to Instagram at school or the App is frowned upon or banned in your district? Here’s some Ninja ways around that will still capitalize on the engagement of Instagram with out all that messy Social Media sturm & drang! (Thank you Tim Guy of Project Runway fame for that turn of phrase!) One of my Twitter fam & friends said:
— Julie A Fear (@FearJfear) October 1, 2019
To which I replied: Do you have GSuite in your school? You could have the kids take the pictures & share them with you in Google Drive then you could print them out for a bulletin board as well as Tweeting them out! There’s always Ninja yet ethical ways around stuffs! You could even use an Instagram template to put them together with @PicMonkey or Photoshop!
Box it Like Bento
I’m also really intrigued by the #BookBento. I’ve seen it around, appreciated the technique, but haven’t tried it myself yet. Here’s some info about it!
#BookBento From Jennie Bales, Library Professor in Tasmania:
“Bento is a Japanese term of single serve take away meal that is served in a box – traditionally lacquered wood – with separate sections for different portions. Applying this structure to a literature response strategy results in book bento boxes. Here are some great examples to get you inspired. You will see that the box structure can be somewhat flexible in this strategy and most do not have compartments for different portions……An alternative way to express a response to literature that will excite students with its combination of personal expression, visual arts, technology (Instagram), creativity and hands on compilation of the bento box contents.”
Want to see more of the pictures and examples? Check out my Flickr Gallery!
Want to learn more? Join us for this webinar!
— KASLKS (@ksschoollib) October 5, 2019
Interactive Instagram Book Challenge Resources:
Instagram Photo Challenge Returns!
31 Days of Instagram Challenge – 5 Minute Librarian
What I Learned From Hosting An Instagram Challenge (+ 6 Tips to Create Your Own!)
Very excited & honored to be the opening Keynote at the Ohio OELMA Conference!
2019 OELMA Conference – Ohio Educational Library Media Association
Resources for my Keynote & Sessions.
Keynote: Presentation Resources
FOMO: Instagram Session: Presentation Resources
Session Note-Taking GSuite Worksheet – Please go to File > Make a copy – Thanks!