Spread risk by diversifying to 17 new source markets, report urges
The report by Studyportals and Unibuddy encourages institutions to diversify student sources away from major markets of
The report by Studyportals and Unibuddy encourages institutions to diversify student sources away from major markets of
The report by Studyportals and Unibuddy encourages institutions to diversify student sources away from major markets of
A total of 453,390 students were studying on UK TNE program with 156 UK higher education providers,
The confusion has risen around a policy from Immigration New Zealand which states that all
The confusion has risen around a policy from Immigration New Zealand which states that all
The Higher Education Policy Institute and Kaplan have published brand-new research into both in-house careers
The Higher Education Policy Institute and Kaplan have published brand-new research into both in-house careers
In a year when inbound communications from students have increased tenfold adding pressure to admissions teams, a
In a year when inbound communications from students have increased tenfold adding pressure to admissions teams, a
These are the findings of a UUKi report on internationalisation activities at home. However, the