Sub-Saharan Africa biggest beneficiary of World Bank HE funding
The region received a total of $3.8bn out of the $9.8bn that the institution spent
The region received a total of $3.8bn out of the $9.8bn that the institution spent
The quest for a harmonised Regional TVET Qualifications Framework being implemented by the Inter University
“We are re-thinking international higher education,” said former president International Education Association of South Africa Orla
“We are re-thinking international higher education,” said former president International Education Association of South Africa Orla
Under the deal, an initial 35 scholarships have been awarded to beneficiaries from Ethiopia, Kenya
Under the deal, an initial 35 scholarships have been awarded to beneficiaries from Ethiopia, Kenya
Agricultural teaching institution Lincoln University in the Canterbury region hopes its “niche and specialised” programs will attract
In what sounds like affirmative action of sorts to compensate for lower allocations to the
In what sounds like affirmative action of sorts to compensate for lower allocations to the
The course, Postgraduate Certificate in Education International –East Africa, is targeted at in-service teachers, as